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★EdenRules/伊甸園/Vườn Địa Đàng : http://edenrules.com ★Subscribe/訂閱/Đăng Ký : http://edenrules.com/index.php?route=newsletter/mynewsletter Taking place at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in January 2009, hear from the world’s leading experts, dignitaries, organizational leaders and concerned citizens on our urgent global warming issues. In this DVD you can witness the full question and answer session held between conference attendees and Supreme Master Ching Hai on various environmental, health and spiritual topics. This live event was broadcast on Mongolian National TV and Radio channels, and covered by 22 media groups in total. It highlighted the need for an immediate call to action by all of earth’s citizens to make a shift to a vegan diet, as well as for every individual, government and media to take part in saving our precious planet. This important conference held at the same time as the esteemed World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland echoes our world’s concern of environmental sustainability as it is being addressed by the world’s most important leaders and thinkers. ★★★★★★★ 本會議於2009年1月27日,在蒙古烏蘭巴托舉行。會中全球頂尖專家、名人、團體領袖和關心的同胞共同討論全球暖化的緊急議題,並全程觀看清海無上師回答與會者在環保、健康和靈性等方面所提出的問題。蒙古國家電視台和廣播電台也為觀眾進行現場直播,計有22家媒體做了相關報導,呼籲所有地球公民即刻改採純素飲食,每個人、政府和媒體應攜手拯救珍貴的地球。 這場重要會議舉行時,適逢「世界經濟論壇」在瑞士的達沃斯進行,全球最重要的領導人和思想家皆參加論壇,反映世人對環保永續問題的關切。 http://edenrules.com/index.php?route=product/product&filter_name=860&product_id=705