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★EdenRules/伊甸園/Vườn Địa Đàng : http://edenrules.com ★Subscribe/訂閱/Đăng Ký : http://edenrules.com/index.php?route=newsletter/mynewsletter At this critical time of climate change, the timely event, “Save Our Earth Conference 2009”, was held in South Korea and attended by over 1700 citizens and dignitaries from various fields. Supreme Master Ching Hai was also invited to attend the conference to share Her insights and perspectives about how to save the Earth from this predicament. According to the United Nation report, “Livestock's Long Shadow”, raising animals for food is very detrimental to the ecosystem. The Supreme Master suggested this solution, “Why not just try to make a change in the opposite direction to see if things will improve. It will improve. It will be better for sure. If we walk away from violence and hatred, we will meet peace and love awaiting our destination; if all humans became vegan, it will become a paradise on Earth. We hope one day we will experience that paradise on Earth in our lifetime.” ★★★★★★★ 時值氣候變遷的關鍵時刻,韓國舉辦了即時且資訊豐富的「二○○九拯救地球研討會」。與會者超過一千七百人,更有來自各界的顯要參加。清海無上師亦受邀出席,分享她對於處此危機應如何拯救地球的洞見。 根據聯合國的報告《畜牧業的巨大陰影》指出,飼養動物作為食物危害生態甚鉅。無上師提出解決之道:「何不嘗試改變?朝相反的方向,看看情形是否會改善?世界會改善,一定會變得更好。若我們摒棄暴力仇恨,未來必定充滿和平與愛心;若所有人吃純素,地球會成為人間天堂。希望有朝一日,我們能在此生體驗人間天堂!」 http://edenrules.com/index.php?route=product/product&filter_name=867&product_id=593