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Brothers & Sisters: This is a SPECIAL Report episode report: Elegant Sapphire and I a.k.a. Dub~ Are chatting about all the Wonderful things of Dragon Con and Stuff. Conspiracies, Pokemon, Magic the Gathering and all sorts of stuff. We need your aid! Spread this message out to everyone. Help us go viral and God will be on your side!! This is Dub's Treasure Store's real attempt at bringing on topic solutions to cultural anthropology's challenges. I will try to stay on topic this time with generalized ideas and concepts to introduce the globalizing force of the nwo politics. Yes that's right the Dub's Treasure Store Vlog Show is now syndicated. Our broadcast is coming right out of my personal experiences. These are the topical things that brought me here. I have been putting all this together for you guys and the followers now for a long time. Today is the first day I stop putting it all off and the overwhelming evidence of information I am desperately trying to bring you guys. Thanks to all our followers, comments, and suggestions. Follow our links to stay up-to-date with my informative campaign. HERE IS THE INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH OF OUR ARTICLE: FOR FULL ARTICLE READ @ Dubstreasurestore.com site page GMOs posting later tonight or tomorrow. For years farmers have battling super weeds such as, Rag-weed in their fields. Super weeds affect up to fifteen million acres of crops in the United Sates alone annually. The highest effected state is Alabama with more than seven percent take over. They believe the answer to killing the super weed was found through a chemical called, "2,4-D" and is used in Agent Orange. Agent Orange was a warfare weapon used in the Vietnam War by the United States. In the early nineties came the introduction of genetically modified foods also known as GMF making the corn as Agent Orange corn. The "2, 4-D" chemical is also a strong ingredient in the weed killer, "Round Up". Also as a little side note in a joking manner, Scully played by Gillian Anderson in the X-files notes in the original first movie when the tankers are moving stuff around on the freight trains, she mentioned that everything gets moved around using that method. There is some truth to that fictional story that indeed a lot of classified, secret, or interest that need to be covered up are freighted around on truckers or transit lines. MY Links Page Our Informative Campaign http://dubstreasurestore.com/ & http://dubstreasure.com/ Main Blog https://dubstreasurestore.wordpress.com/ My Website Blog https://dubstreasurestore.com/blog Zimbio Us http://www.zimbio.com/Treasure+hunting+for+antiques/articles/oEMaY5k40eW/Anti... Old Treasure Site http://hobbiesgalore.webs.com/ Squidoo Us! Steps to Puppy Adoption Follow Us on Twitter! https://twitter.com/dubstreasure Dubbies Hub Page http://dubstreasure.hubpages.com/hub/Dubs-Treasure-Blog Dubs Treasure FB http://www.facebook.com/DubsTreasureStore eBay Blog My eBay World http://myworld.ebay.com/dubstreasure Chemtrailing Controversy http://dubstreasurestore.wordpress.com/random-daily-topics/