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Abstract: Agriculture is a source of livelihood of majority Indians and has great impact on the economy of the country. In dry areas or in case of inadequate rainfall, irrigation becomes difficult. So, it needs to be automated for proper yield and handled remotely for farmer safety. In this paper we suggest a Wireless sensor network and Embedded based technique to control water flow for sectored, sprinkler or drip section irrigation. This system will be very economical in terms of the hardware cost, power consumption and call charges. In places such as agriculture lands, there is a continuous need for monitoring the water level at particular places. In places such as drip irrigation for coconuts and bananas, the water is let out through pipes directly to each field. A person has to carefully monitor the water level at regular intervals. His job becomes tedious during night times and for frequent power cuts. Sometimes there is wastage of water and electricity due to negligence and other times there is a hard job for the user. The project helps in automating this job. This is highly helpful in places such as drip irrigation system where there are many flow pipes but does not require any change in the agricultural fields. Further there is a wireless communication device consisting of very high frequency transceiver. It helps to coordinate any action between the controlling authority and the fields. So each field can be placed as a separate wireless node and these field transceivers act as a high speed wireless network. thanks further details,,, PL VISIT maastechindia.com