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Super Soil is your Ally to Work with Mother Nature. BOTANIX makes Eco-friendly Gardening perfect for "Lazy" gardener" ! Engrais naturel pour annuelles, vivaces et rosiers Engrais à base de fumier de poule qui favorise la croissance des fleurs et aide maintenir la qualité. Natural fertilizer for annuals, perennials and roses Hen manure-based fertilizer that stimulates growth of flowers and helps maintain their quality. Marine fertilizer for flowers, plants and vegetable garden Rich in trace minerals, seaweeds encourage biodiversity. Natural planting fertilizer for plants (bone meal) Helps plants take root after planting or transplanting. Plug'n'spray natural fertilizer Marine seaweed-based fertilizer that fosters plant growth. Natural lawn fertilizer Hen manure-based fertilizer that promotes a greener lawn.