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Buche JETZT Deine persönliche Ernährungsberatung mit Enrico Galvini, und erfahre mehr über die Geheimnisse der Veganen Rohkost - die Ernährung die Dich heilt, verjüngt und glücklich macht. https://enrico-galvini.com/shop/ernaehrungsberatung/ernaehrungsberatung-vegan-und-vegane-rohkost/ Watch this episode and more in the playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=... Friend me on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube :) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bodhisa... http://www.facebook.com/enrico.galvini https://twitter.com/#!/Enrico_Galvini In this episode I will show you another great fruit tree - the cashew tree - I show you the tree, the leaves, the flowers and the different sizes of growing cashew fruits.. At the moment in JUNE, we have cashew season here in Costa Rica, and you can get the freshest raw cashews on the street for just some dollars..The taste a little bit like green avocados.. very yummy and fresh... Pura Vida This video is part of my weekly series "RAW FOOD - VEGAN FOOD & Life Style " - a Food Tree Show where I show you how the plants of our tropical fruits and veggies look like. I will tell you how you can grow some food by yourself and what might be important to know about each fruit and each plant. Visit my channel for more videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/EnricoGal... Subsribe to receive new videos in your feed: http://www.youtube.com/user/EnricoGal...