4Nombre de vues

This is the UNR Arboretum Tree Tour of the Fleischmann Agriculture Quad. 1- English Yew 2- Nevada State Champion English Holly 3- Nevada State Champion Ginko 4- Cutleaf Mountain Mahogany 5- Joshua Tree 6- Nevada State Co-Champion Vanderwolf Pine 7- Eastern Arborvitae 8- Columnar English Oak 9- Port Orford Cedar 10- Northern Red Oak 11- Black or European Alder 12- Nevada State Champion Crimean Linden 13- Japanese Maple 14- Nevada State Champion Canada Red Chokecherry 15- Dawn Redwood 16- Scotch Pine 17- Camperdown Elm 18- Common Horsechestnut 19- Nevada State Champion Bald Cypress 20- Apple 21- Tuliptree 22- Thornless Honeylocust Email: arboretum@unr.edu Website: http://www.unr.edu/arboretum Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Arboretum-University-of-Nevada-Reno-363710290458093/?fref=ts