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To find your own edible mushrooms, check out this list of great mushroom foraging guides: http://www.thesurvivalgardener.com/the-best-mushroom-foraging-books/ There are quite a few Florida edible mushrooms; unfortunately, not all of them are easy to identify. And if you identify a mushroom improperly, then eat it, you may, in fact, die. Today, however, we'll look at some of the safest wild mushrooms you can find. Though Florida may not be the first state you think about when you go shrooming, there are certainly some wonderful edible Florida mushrooms. Today we look a five of my favorites: boletes, puffballs, chanterelles, ganoderma and the indigo milk cap. For more mushroom foraging, homesteading and gardening inspiration, visit www.thesurvivalgardener.com.