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Forests and Wildlife Resources - NCERT Class 10 Explanation. Class X Geography "Forests and Wildlife Resources" Check out forest and wildlife resources class 10 summary or explanation. SST Geography NCERT Solutions class 10th. There are over 45,000 plant species and 81,251 animal species. Endangered and Normal species Plants/Flora Source Of Food Fodder Fire wood Fibre Timber Medicine Gums Tannin Our website ( http://www.successcds.net ) is one of the leading portal on Entrance Exams and Admissions in India. Also visit our Channel for Entrance Exams in India FAQs & Application Process, GK & Current Affairs, Communication Skills Follow us: http://www.facebook.com/SuccessCD http://google.com/+successcds https://twitter.com/entranceexam https://twitter.com/successcds http://www.youtube.com/successcds1 http://www.youtube.com/englishacademy1