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THIS IS OLD NEWS!!! CHECK OUT MY NEW VIDEOS!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUXjzjxUN10-K__w7VglgQ Introduction into my mushroom cultivation garage chambers. Current capacity of my walk in is 36 35-40 lb logs and the tier unit can fit 32 8-10 lb bags. I use oat, milo, or millet as spawn using quart jars. Spawn rate is 2-3 jars per straw log and 1-2 jars per wood and brewers grain bag. I plan to make a series including how i prep my spawn and straw logs. Total cost for the chamber was a bit shy of $1K and total operation is somewhere around $4k startup. Currently i'm making about $200-300 a week on this operation selling at farmers market and to local chefs. Once at full production i should be producing 30-40 lbs and making $300-400 a week hopefully. I forgot to say the blue pail on my harvest cart i put unmarketable fruits in for drying or my own consumption. Also i plan to get a second digital controller to control the swamp cooler. I'll have that controller set a few % higher than the ultrasonics so i won't need to swap the wiring with the weather. The swamp cooler uses a 275 gallon per hour FP300 fountain pump. I picked this model because it has threaded fittings to easily adapt to 1/2 NPT for the sprinkler. Tag words mushroom cultivation, how to grow mushrooms, Growing mushrooms at home, how to grow mushrooms indoors, grow mushrooms on straw, oyster mushroom cultivation