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Good video about hydroponic farming. This free video was created for you by http://epsos.de and can be re-used for free, under the creative commons license, with the attribution of epSos.de as the original creator of this video about hydroponic farming. Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !! This hydroponic farming system can be used indoor or in the green. This hydroponic system is located inside of the vegetarian restaurant in Singapore. This hydroponic farming system in build from plastic bottles and with LED lamps. Fresh herbs and vegetables can grow fast and without effort. The hydroponic plants in this system, do require LED lights, because there is no natural sunlight in this restaurant. The LED lights are green, white, red and yellow. The hydro system is moving the water into plastic bottles on the top. The organic stones become wet. Then the water is flowing down by itself, into the water tank at the bottom. There is a break every 10 minutes, so that the plants can breath fresh air and nitrogen into the roots. This hydroponic system is very efficients with water, space and soil. A hydroponic garden can produce much more food than the similar garden in the wild nature or on a traditional farm. Hydroponic systems were invented by the farmers who live on water. People who live on boats or lakes, did have hydroponic gardens for many centuries. Modern science did re-discover the hydroponic system, because it is very good. The hydroponic gardens are very compact and very effective. The hydroponic farming systems use the flow of water for feeding the plants. There must be some form of dirt or fertilizer in the water, so that the plants can eat something. The roots of the plants are located in the sand or stones. The roots must have access to fresh air for half of the time. The fresh air can feed the roots with CO2 and nitrogen. The hydroponic gardens are often used for growing healthy food in the winter. Astronauts also use hydroponic gardens for growing food on mars. The hydroponic systems are used in vertical farms around the world and are very profitable in cold countries. The hydroponic systems are related to the hydro-culture farming. Special aquatic plants can grow in water without soil. Normal plants do grow with their roots in the water, but they need something for the roots. Sand, clay balls, gravel, mineral wool, or coconut husk can be used for the roots. Different soil substitutes are appropriate for different growing techniques and different plants. The hydroponic farming solutions are cheap for producing food in areas with bad soil or a very cold climate. The hydroponic farming systems use less water than traditional farming. The hydroponic farming system is a sustainable food production system that combines a traditional aquaculture with modern knowledge. Fish farms also love to build hydroponic systems, because the hydroponic farms clean the water from the dirt that is bad for the fish. The aquaponic farms have two main parts: the fish ponds and the hydroponic plants. The water is traveling between the fish and the plants, so that the plants can eat the dirt from the water of the fish. Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !!