381Nombre de vues

Renaissance Man. Two words that perfectly describe Terry Andryo. Part strategist, part artist, part poet, part pragmatist, part inventor and adventurer, Terry blends an uncanny ability to see the big picture with insightful understanding of relevant gestures and touchpoints that are the genesis of all human connection – and in the case of the many brands and products he has helped become marketplace success stories – the fertilizer of customer loyalty. In a career spanning over 25 years, Terry has passionately applied the principals of market-commerce and unbound creativity to forge marketing programs and campaigns that go far deeper than just price-driven or pasted-on. His tireless ‘Farm Boy’ work ethic, boundless creativity and restless curiosity has helped propel the fortunes of Bayer CropSciences, Scotiabank, UFA (United Farmers of Alberta), Absolute Vodka, Canadian Club, The Canadian Wheat Board, Palliser Furniture & EQ3, Warehouse One, and currently, ATB Business and Agriculture. Music: Alumo - Smooth Jazz