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For the latest Jim Rogers, go to http://JimRogersBlog.com - Would you rather be in North Korea or South Korea, China or Hong Kong? This is the difference between nations that debase their currencies versus those who don't. The US and UK used to be rich countries. Look at the airports in Asia versus the airport at JFK. The United States is a third world country now. The infrastructure is over in Asia. The United States goes deeper into debt every week and every month. People can say that the debt doesn't matter and we're the greatest nation in the world. You can say that all you want. The people in the UK said the same things in the 50s and 60s, and then in the 70s they went completely bankrupt. The United States dollar is currently the world currency, but that isn't going to last for very long. They will try to keep printing money for that reason, but it isn't going to work. Printing money has never worked in the history of the world. They say that they'll print just for a little bit and then they'll take it back. It's absurd. Politicians say the same things every time. Always. Read some history books and look at what politicians have said. They've been saying this stuff for hundreds of years. You're already starting to see civil unrest. Even in countries that we consider rich and prosperous. It is going to increase and continue. You had better be prepared, or you are going to be one of the ones who suffer badly. A lot of people in Asia are going to be extremely successful. Farming has been a tough business for the past 30 years, but going forward people are going to make tremendous fortunes in the farming industry. Farmers are going to be driving Lamborghinis in the future. It was just the paper pushers who have been making money recently. Now it is shifting to the people who make real goods.