25874Nombre de vues

Nepal Reacts : A show where Nepal reacts to trending,normal, idiotic, controversial, taboo, unconventional, conventional, social etc. etc. Basically all & every topic that might be interesting to react upon. We are trying to create a show where not just celebrities but in coming weeks, even politicians, government officials, most importantly general public will have their honest say on various topics. Creating a perfect gateway to pour our feeling towards that particular subject instead of hiding behind a computer and blabbering shit comments all over the internet! So Nepal, Lets React! Arbitrary Productions - The Team Host/Concept/Director/Editor/Infographics : Anup Sapkota Creative Director - The Arbitrary Group https://facebook.com/anup.sapkota.arbitrary https://instagram.com/anup.sapkota.arbitrary Host/Concept Avash GUNNER Ghimire https://www.facebook.com/avashghimire14?fref=ts https://www.instagram.com/stunner_inc_ DOP : Javed Khan https://www.facebook.com/zaved.khan?fref=ts Asst Cameraman/Colorist : Revenge Bhatta https://www.facebook.com/revng?fref=ts Asst. Camera : Suzan Maharzan https://www.facebook.com/suz.mzn?fref=ts Copyright.thearbitrarygroup.2016