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The objective of our experiment was to pulverize coal with particle size 10-15 mm to dust with particle size 0 – 300 micron and mix that with water and plasticizer to make coal-water fuel (CWT). The experiment was performed using the AVS-150 vortex layer device. The results of the experiment lead to the following conclusions. Average capacity of the AVS-150 device in a continuous stream will be 3 cubic meter per hour, with 9 kW-hour power consumption. The use of plasticizer is not required due to the intensive mixing in our device. Operation of the devices can be made continuous, since additional ferromagnetic particles to replace worn ones are added automatically by a portioning device. For a more comprehensive research of the produced coal-water fuel, we constructed a burner with a sprayer. The burner is designed to create finely dispersed particles in the spray to ensure quick evaporation of water and stabilization of combustible gas circulation in the are of combustion. In the next video we will describe the combustion process and show the parameters of melting temperature and combustion calorific value. For more information visit our web-page www.avs.globecore.com or contact Oxana Bichurina GlobeCore GmbH Edewechter Landstraße 173, Oldenburg-Eversten, Deutschland, 26131 e-mail: energie@globecore.de oksana@globecore.com skype : mg5globecore_de phone: +493021788825