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02:34 - Kayla - Hello again Dr. Morse :) I know myself, and several other people on the Facebook page are dealing with very similar issues so I wanted to ask you directly for some insight.. I know I have heard you address this in past videos, and have tried what you recommended, but nothing is seeming to get better, and I was wondering if I needed to do anything different. For over 4 months straight (no cheating) I have been 100% fruit. I have been on tons of the herbals as well the whole time. The issue is my digestion.. Anything I eat, melons, oranges, mangos, etc. it all comes out looking literally the same as when ingested. I am constantly bloated, and gassy.. I also get pains in the stomach area, radiating to the back when eating certain fruits like melons... I am supporting the adrenals with the herbs (couldn't handle even one 200 adrenal glandular after 2 months on the 400's) Also, I have been on the pancreas and S&B #2 formulas for 3 months and a liver/gallbladder before that. I have been on the GI Broom for 2 months as well..I even tried a bottle of the pancreas glandular..I really try to "super chew" too. 21:44 - Maria - OH my God I am so terrified right now, I had radiation on my left breast and in November 2008, 2 months later they found a white spot on the top of my left lung so I did MRI and came up that was a burned spot from radiation at that time I was happy because it was not cancer and the dr. told me that radiation sometimes can burn a little bit the lungs but I was totally fine,know I am so worry about my lungs. What should I do? 28:00 - Clinton - Will you go into detail how to detox viruses out of your body. Like exactly what to eat when to eat it and what herbs to take and how often. Do we need to do enemas? Thanks again for the work that you do you're a quaquaversal. 29:49 - Rossi – 46-year-old RA. Put on prednisone and other drugs. 2012 went to a high veggie diet. In pain from base of neck to the end of my toes. 38:47 - Pirvulescu – This is my third time in the hospital. First time, something bit me and my leg was swollen very much, and my doctor said that I have Cellulitis. He gave me antibiotics for 12 days and after 2 weeks I went back to the hospital. Infection was 2 times more powerful. They gave me two antibiotics infusion, which were very strong and affected my kidneys. What do I do? 42:06 - Liv - My question is: with this raw food and high enzyme protocol do you think my tumor will shrink and if it does do you know if my hair will grow back to its predetermined genetic hair thickness and color? If yes, do you know how long it may take to get the hair cells producing correct hairs? All I really want is the tumor gone and my hair back. 57:13 - Unknown - I wanted to say thank you and I love you and I'm hoping to pick your brain regarding iridology and eye transplants. How long does it take the eyeballs to "reset" to their new environment/body post-transplant? Do they bring with them any systemic influences? Eye transplants are on the rise, giving sight to more and more people every day (especially in India), I feel like this is an important topic. Thank you and lots of love! 1:02:51 - Anna – I have just completed Level 1 and was wondering if these DVDs would give me extra information that what I have already learned. 1:10:38 - Regina - Dr.Morse perhaps you can help me with this.I am 46 years old, been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (remitting-relapsing type) 25 years ago, symptoms started few years before that. 2 years ago a blood test was positive for Persistent Chlamydophila Pneumoniae , I am taking antibiotics for that.I follow the Gawlar foundation diet (mostly plants based no animal dairy ,no meat, no fats,no eggs.Flaxseed oil, fruit,fish ok,)I have no balance I have mobility on all my body (very limited!)cannot walk. My real problem though, is that I have Trigeminal Neuralgia on my left jaw and this takes a lot of my energy and stops me of doing anything.Saw Doctors, tried tablets,Capsaicin,Acupuncture ,went to hospital had surgery done on the nerve. Nothing seems to work!Is there anything that may get rid of that pain? Thanks for helping! 01:16:57 - Robyn - My question is about my brothers health situation. I have discussed with him and shared the concepts of detoxification. I know that he needs to address the causal factors that created this "symptom of cancer". He is opening his mind to this paradigm of health and healing, I was hoping that you could address his personal situation which would help to bring things together for him. 01:30:16 - Karen – Can you get better if you used to smoke?