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Demonstration of our saam law taoist magic cultivation morning rites, performed by Jee Sifu. The purpose of this rites is to absorb the pre-heaven energies from nature and nourish our physical, and spiritual body, which provide us a better health, life, and future. Not only that it pushes positive energies into our body, but also cleanse out the polluted or unpleasant energies out of the system too. 此視頻乃是紫師傅泓經演法的"三羅玄門早課"。此課為修三羅道之日常課頌,其目的是吸收先天三羅之氣,除邪化穢,扶正壯陽,令身心可得先天能量的淨化,滋養,以達到天清地靈,人明利禎的境界。透過修煉,可令人身心安寧,福祿壽康。 欲學法修道者,請聯絡我們,歡迎入門皈依三羅大道,學法修真! Contact us to learn Chinese magic and Saam Law Taoism today! Website: http://www.tinyatdragon.com Email to learn: learnings@chiinnature.com 泓法三界,十方奉行, 天一靈文,大德三羅.