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The Future of Vertical Farming: Sustainable Gardens, Sustainable Agriculture As the cities continue to grow significantly through the years, the need for a more sustainable solution to our food problems is necessary. Vertical farming of z-farming could be the next step in agricultural evolution, in where inside the cities we could find crops, grow food and find fresh vegetables for our needs. This could also cause a mayor reduction in the food prices, because of the lower transportation and keeping costs. There are many ways one can install vertical crops or start vertical farming. Ideas like hydroponics or the use of fish to auto sustain crops, are ways in which one can start the urban agriculture. The advantages are immense and so does the possibilities to create a much better and eco-friendly world with the creation, implementation and use of sustainable agriculture. For more information visit: What is Hydroponics?: http://www.simplyhydro.com/whatis.htm Hydroponics for Beginners: http://www.instructables.com/id/Hydroponics---at-Home-and-for-Beginners/ The Vertical Farm: http://www.verticalfarm.com/