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Tectona grandis is a large, deciduous tree that is dominant in mixed hardwood forests. It has small, fragrant white flowers and papery leaves that are often hairy on the lower surface. It is sometimes known as the "Burmese Teak". Teak wood has a leather-like smell when it is freshly milled. Teak timber is particularly valued for its durability and water resistance, and is used for boat building, exterior construction, veneer, furniture, carving, turnings, and other small wood projects. Description Teak is a large, deciduous tree up to 40 m (131 ft) tall with gray to grayish brown branches. Leaves are ovate-elliptic to ovate, 15--45 cm (5.9--17.7 in) long by 8--23 cm (3.1--9.1 in) wide, and are held on robust petioles that are 2--4 cm (0.8--1.6 in) long. Leaf margins are entire. Fragrant white flowers are borne on 25--40 cm (10--16 in) long by 30 cm (12 in) wide panicles from June to August. The corolla tube is 2.5--3 mm long with 2 mm wide obtuse lobes. Tectona grandis sets fruit from September to December; fruits are globose and 1.2-1.8 cm in diameter. Flowers are weakly protandrous in that the anthers precede the stigma in maturity and pollen is shed within a few hours of the flower opening. The flowers are primarily entomophilous (insect-pollinated), but can occasionally be anemophilous (wind-pollinated). Climate and soil: Mostly occurs in monsoon climate, under tropical and sub tropical conditions. Sandy loam soil, 6-7 pH not exceeds 8.5 & well drained. Rainfall: 1000-1500 mm adequate and even less than 750 mm per year. Spacing: 1.8x1.8 m, 2x2 m is generally initially applied. (Subsequantly thinned in stages) Nursery practices: 50-60% germination percentage and 2.5 to 3 kg seeds are required to prepare one mother bed and derived 1000-1500 seedlings. Stumps are prepared out of seedlings that of 2.5 cm long, collar (2-3 cm) and 22-23 cm of tap root. Planting: It is done in pre monsoon period which has high success. Square or line planting is done in 45-60 cm3 size pits for seedlings and for stump planting, 15 cm diameter holes and 30 cm depth are prepared. Plant protection Important pest: Leaf defoliators (Hyblaea puera) and leaf skeletonizer (Eutectona machaeralis) Important disease: Leaf blight (Rhizoctonia solani) and fungal on fruits (Alternaria sp) Special features: Presence of "Tectol" phenol in sap gives high resistance to sap wood rot and termites. Uses: Timber value is superior, so called "King of Trees". It can be used for all purposes. Yield: It yields a volume of 1.58 cum of timber per year per tree (increment) Web: http://www.natureherbs.org Blog: http://natureherbsorg.blogspot.in/ Email : natureherbs@ymail.com, sales@natureherbs.org Mob: +91 841 888 5555 Skype: nature.herbs