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▁▁ ▂▂ ▃▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ MOSTRAR MAS ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃▃ ▂▂ ▁▁ RESUMEN DE NELSON SEXTON: Update Notes: Additions: Added new item context menu and quick refill/repair/salvage actions. Added inventory menu to see nearby items making looting corpses/piles easier. Added ability to quickly take item from display/rack. [Default Ctrl + F] Added in-game item/vehicle rarity colors. Added decay and rain commands to the config menu. Added button to unfavorite servers from the server list. Added option to disable day/night ambience. Improvements: Improved memory management/usage significantly on client and server. Improved hotkeys to requip, work on any page and save per server/character. Improved inventory to split storage and nearby into a separate area on large screens. Improved crafting menu to show the skill level and fire required. Improved give/vehicle/teleport/experience commands to not require the player parameter. Improved help [command] to also work as client and in singleplayer. Improved item networking to support more items in one area. Improved world hints not to show behind the dashboard. Improved item/vehicle networking to use new instance IDs instead of indices. Improved zombie/animal/vehicle state updates to use basic position compression. Improved buildable intersection displacement to better avoid forcing into objects. Improved on some physics issues with objects/resources. Tweaks: Tweaked dropped items to appear in front of character. Tweaked handcuffs to prevent getting in vehicles as driver. Tweaked blueprint title text to change color when you can craft. Tweaked farming speed of agriculture skill lower. Tweaked debug UI to show seconds since last packet received. Tweaked orientation of items in trophy cases. Tweaked different skills to require different amounts of XP per level. Tweaked several hollow objects to contain death barriers just in case. Removed "new survivor" default names. Fixes: Fixed placing buildables near player spawns. Fixed default easy/hard armor multipliers backwards. Fixed birch/pine trophy case using maple sticks. Fixed regen health immediately after damage. Fixed not showing amount in hint with one remaining item. Fixed despawn label typo. Fixed not immediately removing admin visual when unadmined. Fixed crafting pitchfork. Fixed not taking into account 2nd border in map UI. Fixed tooltips showing up underneath inventory selection/drag. Fixed override glasses mythic hook point. Item Asset Upgrades: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ¿QUERES SABER COMO USO LOS NUMERO EN EL INVENTARIO? ACA TE DEJO UN VIDEO: https://goo.gl/IbXc7y - ¿COMO UTILIZO LA CAMARA PANORAMICA? ACA TE DEJO EL VIDEO: https://goo.gl/IACiZJ - ¿COMO FABRICO COFRES DE METAL Y CASAS DE METAL? ACA TE DEJO EL VIDEO: https://goo.gl/fFE5OI - ¿COMO DESCARGO UNTURNED Y COMO LO ACTUALIZO? ACA TE DEJO EL VIDEO: https://goo.gl/8rpUOg - ¿COMO CREO UN SERVIDOR? ACA TE DEJO EL VIDEO: https://goo.gl/gbge7j - ¿COMO COCINO LA CARNE? ACA TE DEJO EL VIDEO: https://goo.gl/H9Obi5 - ¿COMO SPAWNEAR ITEMS, ARMAS, AUTOS, HELICOPTEROS, BARCOS, HACER TELEPORT, ETC? ACA TE DEJO EL VIDEO: https://goo.gl/XA4hKN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¿QUIERES APOYAR AL CANAL Y A SU VEZ GANAR DINERO? - Puedes comprar juegos en la siguiente pagina a precios mas bajos que steam y esos juegos los podrás usar dentro de steam, y además estarías apoyando al canal con tu compra: https://goo.gl/4XJH4W (SI TE REGISTRAS EN LA PAGINA E INVITAS A TUS AMIGOS GANARAS DINERO DE LAS COMPRAS QUE ELLOS HAGAN) - También con un simple "me gusta", compartir con tus amigos y suscribirte ya estás ayudándome mucho!! Tu apoyo hace que esté mas y mas motivado a seguir subiendo material y con mayor frecuencia Muchas gracias por estar del otro lado viendo mis videos! Que tengas un lindo dia y nos vemos en el próximo videoooo!!! ABRAZOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mis redes: Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanVIPgamer https://www.facebook.com/DanVIPgamer Google plus: https://plus.google.com/+elDanVIPgameplays Grupo de Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/danvip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------