387Nombre de vues

http://steamcommunity.com/games/304930/announcements/detail/47640728074787579 THINGS ADDED TO THE GAME: ITEMS AND VEHICLES: 0:56 Race car 1:32 Tractor 2:01 Transit Bus 2:45 Military Jeepuh 3:08 Yuri MAP EDITOR STUFF: 4:30 Race track 5:10 Bleachers 5:30 Baseball Diamond 5:40 Agriculture #1 5:50 Transit Bench and Transit Cover MISC IMPROVEMENTS: 6:30 Reflective strips on construction/firefighter uniform 10:50 Campfire light radius reduced 11:20 Katana blade change 11:35 Viper magazine now looks like a proper SMG magazine 12:10 Golden Katana + Golden Deagle TWEAKS: 8:00 Sabertooth and Snayperska Buff 8:45 Cobra's big nerf 9:40 Krzkarek is now useful 10:05 Heartbreaker nerf :( Music used: The Queenstons Feat Darius - You, Maker