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Subscribe to our new Food Farmer Earth channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/foodfarmerearth?sub_confirmation=1 Oregon is among the very few states, and the Portland area, of the even fewer major metro areas, that have for decades effectively fought back the forces of development, and resisted converting ever more parcels of urban land for re-zoning to industrial and commercial use, overemployed in other places under the banner of job creation and the promise of wider economic prosperity. Since the 1970's, growth in the Portland area has been confined within carefully crafted boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), outside of which, urban growth was not allowed to occur. Check out our new series: Food Farmer Earth - a journey of wide discovery about our food http://www.youtube.com/ffe Cooking Up a Story - Bringing the people behind our food to life http://cookingupastory.com Subscribe to receive the latest videos: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=foodfarmerearth Follow us: Google+ https://plus.google.com/+foodfarmerearth/posts twitter http://twitter.com/cookingupastory Facebook http://www.facebook.com/cookingupastory Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/foodfarmerearth/ Website RSS Feed http://cookingupastory.com/feed